Don’t Be Afraid, Turn Your New Sewing Skill Into Cash…

Don’t Be Afraid, Turn Your New Sewing Skill Into Cash…

Turn Your New Sewing Skill Into Cash…

New Sewing Skill

Do not be afraid to turn your New Sewing Skill into cash. Learning this simple skill takes practice and a good sewing machine, but you would be surprised at how many people don’t know this skill.

Once you have “mastered” this skill (proficient at least) if you find you have a passion for sewing, you can earn money sewing for others.

Being skilled at sewing could lead you down a path to profit off your new skill and earn extra income. Many good tailors and dressmakers today sharpened their skills over time by practice.

Supporting local business is always important, but when you can do it yourself, why not?!

Some of the ways I have made money…

Some of the ways I have made money is by helping a co-worker hem up some of her pants and skirts. Show off your new set of skills and let people know around the office that you can help. You would be surprised how many people don’t know how to sew.

Take this chance to be that person to step in and help. Call local tailors or dry cleaners to get an Idea of how much to charge. I usually cut that price down and explained to my co-worker that I could do it cheaper than “that place.”

Make sure you have the right color thread and get started, that’s it! or you can do projects for people like the t-shirt quilt. For this, you can charge whatever you want. A t-shirt quilt is a custom job so charge what you would like. It all depends on what they are willing to pay.

Your skill set is something that will only improve with time and practice. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for your set of competencies. There are countless projects you can get good at and sell. What are you waiting for?

Another Great Option the Brother Sewing Machine

Another great option is The Brother Sewing machine, Project Runway Model…

Brother Sewing machine Project runwayAt first, you may think you don’t need to know all these stitches and you’d be right, however you won’t be a beginner for very long. The Brother Sewing Machine, project Runway model is absolutely a step up when it comes to the different stitches you may want to do.

If you want to eventually want to learn how to do different embroidery stitches, this machine will help.  

  1. 50 built-in utility, decorative and heirloom stitches, each with multiple stitch functions.
  2. Sew fleece, elastic and other stretchy fabrics with the built-in stretch stitches.
  3. One-step bobbin replacement with a quick set drop-in bobbin.
  4. Embellish or join quilt blocks with the built-in quilting stitches.


A Sewing Book? If you need more Advice Try This…

A Sewing Book? If you need more Advice Try This…

Need more Advice and Tips? Here is one Sewing Book you must Have

Read a Sewing Book, First time sewingThere are many books available on how to sew. If you are going to read a sewing book, this is the one and only book I recommend if you are sewing for the first time.

This book teaches it all in a very easy to understand way. It’s a great book for the beginner or advanced level tailor.

Again, doing simple sewing projects can give you practice before you start bigger sewing projects.

You can find this book on Amazon Enjoy!

What Others have said after they Read THIS Sewing Book

Never sewn before? Just bought your first machine? Buy this book! | Amazon Reviewer

“I figured sewing was a skill I should probably learn, and just purchased my first sewing machine. So I bought several books to go along with my machine, as I wasn’t sure where to begin. I paged through most of them and grew intimidated by the sometimes undefined words, or instructions without enough images for me to grasp what needed to be done. This was the one book out of the four I purchased that I read from cover to cover immediately. This book is perfect for people like me, who have never sewn a stitch, or been around someone who has. I felt intimidated after unboxing my machine, but this book made me feel confident enough to begin my first project.

In short, if you’ve never done a thing with sewing before and want to learn, this is the book you should start with. The images are clear, the directions are precise, and it goes into enough detail that I felt like I could progress without feeling frustrated.”

You can find this book on Amazon I get it, everyone learns in different ways. This is a great book for people who learn better from books!

Here’s a Fun Sewing project, Try doing a T-Shirt quilt!

Here’s a Fun Sewing project, Try doing a T-Shirt quilt!

Try doing a T-Shirt quilt…

T-shirt quiltBelieve it or not, the T-Shirt quilt is an easy project to do. The practice you get from sewing this a bunch of squares together, is really worth it.

This will allow you to get the feel for your sewing machine, practice threading your machine, getting your speed down and getting comfortable with your equipment.

Not to mention it will help you clear out your closet but keep a hold of your favorite T-shirts.

This was one of my very first and favorite projects because It was a gift for my son and every block has a story.

I wanted to do this project so that my son would always remember his first blanket. I wanted him to have something special from his dad, something that he could ask me questions about. Each block has a story behind it. Yes even the Budweiser block.

That block, the Budweiser block reminds me of the time we lived in New Hampshire and met some really great friend and had some great experiences. Visiting the Budweiser plant… but It also reminds me of the snow and how I had to shovel his moms car out of the driveway every morning. It reminds me of the time I we went snowmobiling across the frozen Lake Winnipesaukee.

I want to be able to tell my son about different times in my life so the blocks will help me tell those stories.

You can make the project all about what you want to make it about. Your t-shirt quilt doesn’t have to that in depth. But make it mean something more that just, sewing a bunch of t-shirts together. You are going to spend some time working on this so make sure you make it worth it.

How could your significant other tell you to get rid of your old T-shirts now… if it’s for the baby!

Simple Sewing Terms You Must Learn and Why!

Learn Some Simple Sewing Terms…

simple sewing termsUnless you already know what a blind hem stitch or a straight hem stitch looks like, it might be a good idea to learn a couple of these simple sewing terms. This way you know what you need for each stitch and what to search for online for help.

Here is a sewing chart to explain the different stitches and the reasons you may need to use a particular stitch.

Also here are some simple sewing terms terms to learn…

  • Seam: A seam, is the line where two pieces of fabric are held together by a thread.
  • Hems: the edge of a piece of cloth or clothing that has been turned under and sewn.
  • Straight stitch: The most common stitch you will sew. You will use this stitch for just about every. You can use this to hem pants and make t-shirt blanket. The straight stitch will be used for many projects big and small.
  • Zig zag stitch: The Zig Zag stitch is a stronger stitch compared to a straight stitch, and best to use with stretchy fabrics. You can utilize it if you are working with different designs or patterns. This is also a good stitch to use when taking in clothing along the insides of your shirts or pants. It’s a good stitch to prevent fraying
  • Blind Hem: Practice the straight stitches first before you attempt this stitch. It is a great stitch to use with formal apparel and is a professional looking stitch. You can do it, but practice on scrap fabric before you move on to your good clothes.

To Learn More Simple Sewing Terms I Would Read…

Obviously there is more to learn than these terms when it comes to learn. I would highly recommend joining a Facebook group of sewing enthusiasts. YES, they are out there and its an awesome free resource to help you if you don’t have a coach. These people are always willing to help.

BUT, if you want to learn more on your own then I would pick up a copy of First Time Sewing: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide. It is a great resource and something I point back to if you need it.