Another great option is The Brother Sewing machine, Project Runway Model…

Brother Sewing machine Project runwayAt first, you may think you don’t need to know all these stitches and you’d be right, however you won’t be a beginner for very long. The Brother Sewing Machine, project Runway model is absolutely a step up when it comes to the different stitches you may want to do.

If you want to eventually want to learn how to do different embroidery stitches, this machine will help.  

  1. 50 built-in utility, decorative and heirloom stitches, each with multiple stitch functions.
  2. Sew fleece, elastic and other stretchy fabrics with the built-in stretch stitches.
  3. One-step bobbin replacement with a quick set drop-in bobbin.
  4. Embellish or join quilt blocks with the built-in quilting stitches.

Here is the Owners Manual for this machine.

This machine is well priced for all the feature it has. The electric controls are a great feature because you’ll know precisely what stitch you picked.

On other sewing machines, you have to turn a clunky knob to get the stitch you need, this machine has push button features, which is nice.

The automatic threading mechanism is another great feature that threads the machine for you.

on February 17, 2017
“An excellent sewing machine for novice or professional. Brother is a real workhorse and you can’t beat the price.”

==> Click Brother Project Runway CS5055PRW to check prices on amazon.



Q: Where can I buy a sewing machine?

A: You can order through amazon like I did, there are links at the bottom of this page. Shop around, find the one you really want. DO NOT get a battery operated, hand-held machine, they are the worst!

Q: Where can find a cheap sewing machine?

A: You don’t want to go too cheap, like a handheld sewing machine (as seen on TV style, I had one, not so good…) be prepared to spend $80-$150 for a good sewing machine.

Q: What are the best sewing machine available?

A: There are many great options out on the market, three of the most common are Brother, Singer, and Janome. The technology on sewing machines has not changed that much over the years so you’re safe with getting any of the top three. I have never had a problem with my Brother sewing machine but you should always shop around.

Q: Do I need Sewing Furniture?…

A: Getting sewing furniture or a sewing machine cabinet is not always necessary if you have a safe place to store your sewing machine.

A good Kitchen table can take the place of a sewing machine table just fine.

==> Click Brother Project Runway CS5055PRW to check prices on amazon.